Saturday, September 5, 2009

It's Almost Over!

My intership is coming to a close. It's definitely bittersweet. On the one hand, I'm doing what I love and hopefully will do for a job (with much better pay of course.) On the other, I'm ready to get back home and see Mal and all my loved ones and do other fun things.

My last week in the backcountry was used to finish up the projects that I have started, with the final being putting the roof on the other cabin. I'm glad I was able to complete all my projects bc its better to say what I accomplished not just what I did. On my final day in the BC we got out the kayaks and just relaxed and played around, practice wet-exits (what to do if you kayak flips and how to get back in).

Since my return from the BC I have been working a lot around the station. I've also been trying to get all my things together and clean up. I have a few checkout procedures to go through as well. I was able to meet with the head-bossman and go over my resume and he gave me some good insights. They have express that they would like for me to work here and that has been encouraging. I guess today was my last full day on the job bc tom. I'm skippin out early to pick up Bill at the airport.

This has definitely been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I have been able to experience and see so many things in such a short period of time. And I was able to confirm that this is for sure the best career path for me.

I appreciate all the support from yall and all the encouraging comments along the way. The only thing that could have made this experience better was if I had more friends and family here to share it with.

I am blessed to have been able to serve with this internship, and I'm blessed to have so many loved ones to return home to.

This was a great adventure.....and it sure did end with a SPLASH!!!!!

Love Yall!